Rochester Teen Film Festival

The Film Camp will consist of a one-week intensive class from Monday, July 23rd to Friday, July 27th. Students (ages 13-18) will be invited to stay on campus at Nazareth College in student housing for the week. The Film Camp will include mini-workshops and guided participation in the art of filmmaking and the science of digital video production. Teaching will be done by experienced filmmakers from the Rochester region as well as guest filmmakers and Nazareth College staff. Learning will be hands-on, and students will develop their own projects during the week-long class. The classes will consist of five sessions, held during one week from Monday to Friday. It will be limited to 40 students and due to the popularity of the camp, space is extremely limited.
The one-week class will include the following topics:
- Screenwriting/storytelling
- Story boarding
- Fundamental filming techniques including lighting, sound, and camera operation
- Using the camera to tell a story
- Shot composition
- Directing actors
- Use of props
- Post-production editing
- Finishing and distributing the film
Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be provided as well as snacks during the day. During students’ down time, there will be access to swimming and other recreational activities. Students are encouraged to stay on campus at Nazareth College for the duration of the workshop as the evenings will include screenings of interest, discussions of techniques, analysis of popular films and a critique of work in progress. Students may also use this time to continue working on their films. The culminating event will be a screening in the Nazareth College Arts Center for parents and community members.
The tuition cost is $600 per student. Students can bring their own equipment or use the cameras, computers, editing software, and sound equipment that are available on campus. Scholarships will be available for students unable to pay the $600 tuition fee if they are eligible for free and reduced lunch programs at school.