Holiday Charity / Volunteer / Giving Opportunities in greater Rochester | Kids Out and About Rochester

Holiday Charity / Volunteer / Giving Opportunities in greater Rochester

This is our traditional list of holiday giving opportunities for families who want to be especially generous during the holiday season. 

Note: Please contact each organization to which you are planning to dontate to ensure they are still accepting donations; these opportunities sometimes change without notice. Please email us if you encounter a discrepancy in this list and we will respond promptly. Thank you.


Additional Advice

1) Community Wishbook: Here's another source for your adopt-a-family page: It doesn't have adopt-a-family programs, per se, but it does list the needs and wishes of a host of community organizations, so people can select agencies that are important to them and design their own holiday drive/gift baskets/whatever. It's a nice way to help some of the lesser-known groups.

2) Every church just about has a Giving Tree of one sort or another. Malls have them, also. There are "ornaments" you take off the trees that have Holiday Wishes on them for certain families and/or individuals. My church gets families from the local Department of Social Services. Almost all the charitable organizations including the Rotary and Red Cross have one variation or another of a program where by one can "adopt" a family or an individual.

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