Baby Product Guide: KidsOutAndAbout reviews Baby Comfy Care, My Brest Friend, Quintessential Mommy, and My Hugaboo | Kids Out and About Rochester

Baby Product Guide: KidsOutAndAbout reviews Baby Comfy Care, My Brest Friend, Quintessential Mommy, and My Hugaboo

Baby Product Guide

Need a creative and fresh idea for a baby gift? KidsOutAndAbout has your guide to what’s working in the world of baby products.

by Kathleen McCormack, mother to that gorgeous baby to the right who tested all these products for you!

When I was pregnant with my first child, I asked my pediatrician what he thought I needed to prepare for the birth of my baby. He told me very simply, “A blanket and a dresser drawer.” The reason I love this man (and why my mother chose him as the pediatrician for me and my siblings) is because nothing gets him ruffled.

While I usually appreciate his simplistic approach, every mom is desperate for whatever tools will make our role as parents, especially parents to infants, easier. Here are a few good products you’ll want to consider when planning for a friend’s baby shower or when stocking your own nursery.

My Hugaboo

The story - The Hugaboo was originally developed for the inventor's son, who at 7 months old, was still unable to sit upright on his own. Without any seat available to give him the 360º degrees of support he needed to keep from falling over, she decided to design one of her own. As he got a little older, he eventually reached this milestone, and she truly believes it was because he had the support of two loving parents--and one special seat. 

The product - As cute and snuggly as your baby is, you'll need to put her down eventually. If she's not in your arms, you’ll want her in the next best place--The Hugaboo Baby Seat. It’s the perfect way to give your baby the support she needs as she learns to sit up on her own. The Hugaboo gives your baby the freedom to comfortably observe her surroundings, develop sensory and motor skills, and spend quality time with the family. Plus, the Hugaboo has a unique leg and back support that keeps your little one from tipping forward or sliding out. The Hugaboo Baby Floor Seat can be used for babies as soon as they can support their own head. Who are between the ages of 3 to 8 months. It's made from 100% polyester fabric with polyester fiber fill, and a spot washable cover for easy clean up. 

The experience - The Hugaboo is the best combination of a Bumpo and a Boppy pillow. I've owned both, and while they have their benefits, I always found the Bumpo to be a bit stiff and restrictive, and the Boppy didn't have enough all around support to keep Baby propped up. The Hugaboo takes care of both issues: soft as a pillow and supportive as a parent's lap. My little guy is not so little, so I was concerned it might be a struggle to fit his chunky legs in the leg holes, but the underside of the pillow snaps off to allow extra room while sliding baby in. Another concern: How would my little guy be able to reach out and explore if he had this puffy pillow in his lap? The Hugaboo has cloth links on the lap to allow parents to link toys within Baby's reach. Like most baby products, it's a piece you won't use for too long. Baby must be able to support his head first, but even once your baby can sit up on his own you may still find it useful for keeping him in one place while you attempt to accomplish something. Though it may have a relatively short lifespan in your house (like that infant bath seat and those newborn clothes), it's a product made well enough that you'll be someone's hero when you pass it along to a friend or family member. 

Quintessential Mommy

The story - The QuintEssential Mommy vision began in San Francisco in 2014 when two smart, creative women became friends through their shared experiences as young moms. With stylish sensibilities and a shared demand for organization, the QuintEssential product line was born and continues to grow and expand its product line.

The product – The Quint Carryall is a handy organizer that fits in almost any handbag, ensuring there is a place for everything while keeping baby's stuff separate from mom's necessities. The outside is made with seven pockets of varying sizes for storing creams, lotions, and more, while inside there is a larger pocket for diapers and wipes, two smaller pockets, one secure zipped pocket, and two elastic pockets for holding bottles and cups.

The experience – With a first child, you believe that you need to haul every possible item that baby might need everywhere that you go. After several months of banging into people at Walmart and trying to shove groceries around that massive diaper bag in the cart, you realize that there are really only a few essentials you need when taking quick trips. Enter the Quint CarryAll. Many pockets allow you to store the necessities and its water resistant design protects your purse from juice spills or diaper leaks. The best part is that the designs are adorable. Becoming a mom doesn’t have to mean high-waisted jeans and the abandonment of jewelry. These totes allow you to store items fashionably. And when the kids grow out of diapers, you can still find plenty of uses for it; I was able to fit a towel and a bathing suit in it when sending my preschooler off to summer camp. Besides the Carry All, Quintessential Mommy also makes clutch purses and organizers of various sizes.

My Brest Friend

The story – My Brest Friend was developed in a “laboratory” of new moms, babies, and breastfeeding experts who set out to do what no one had done before: create a pillow whose sole purpose was to answer all the needs of breastfeeding moms and babies.

The product – Today My Brest Friend’s patented wrap-around design has made fans in over 33 countries where it is sold, as well as being used in hundreds of NIC units and birthing hospitals. It is the #1 choice of lactation consultants and consistently earns raves among nursing mothers, many of whom tell us our pillow has helped them achieve longer holding and feeding cycles with their babies.

The experience – Knowing all of the benefits of breast milk and nursing, I couldn’t understand why anyone wouldn’t breastfeed their little one. And then I became a mom. Nursing can be exhausting: there’s the constant shirt changing from leaking boobs, the back ache from awkward positions, the embarrassment of leaking in public, the pain of engorgement, and oh, did I mention the leaking. Any product that supports nursing moms and makes it easier for them to nurse longer has a friend in me. The My Brest Friend nursing pillow wraps around your waist to get that ideal tummy-to-tummy, side-lying position encouraging a solid latch. I hadn’t even realized that I was hunching over while nursing until the back, arm, and elbow rests held me in the proper form. How often do I sit down to nurse and realize that I forgot a burp cloth for mopping up during and after? (My husband would tell you, “Every time.) A pocket on the pillow puts nursing essentials in arm’s reach. And in the category of “They thought of everything” the pillow features a silent release strap so that unbuckling won’t wake that baby who has fallen asleep comfortably at the breast. My Brest Friend not only makes a nursing pillow that addresses the challenges of proper positioning and back support, did you know they also make a number of other products to aid in successful breastfeeding? I didn’t. Soothe sore nipples with their organic, lanolin-free nipple cream. Encourage greater milk production with their Fenugreek herbal supplements. Support your legs with their adjustable nursing stool; the top angles to position your lap better. Nurse in public discreetly with their stylish covers. One criticism: the color on the burp clothes faded after one wash. Otherwise, shopping for a baby present in the future will be a breeze – the My Brest Friend nursing pillow will be my go-to gift.

Baby Comfy Care

The story - Baby Comfy Care products are developed by parents from a specific need. Baby Comfy Care manufactures unique, award-winning products for babies: Baby Comfy Nose, Baby Comfy Nail, and Baby Comfy Sun. 

The product - Baby Comfy Nose uses your own suction, so it is much more effective than bulb and battery type aspirators.  The design protects you from any contact with mucus and germs, but use a tissue in the body of the aspirator as an absorbent, disposable and free filter. 

The experience – When your child is sick, there is a desperation that overtakes a parent (something reminiscent of the scene in Faust when he sells his soul), especially when your child’s breathing is impaired by sinus congestion. The problem with those bulb suckers is that they can’t create a strong enough suction to get most of the mucus out, and the constant suctioning, dispelling, and returning for more is probably why my daughter fears that thing worse than getting shots (no exaggeration). The Baby Comfy Nose was designed to relieve congestion by sucking it out of baby’s nose. I, too, was originally turned off by the idea of connecting my mouth to my child’s snot, but once you try it you realize that the tissue filter keeps any grossness from entering your mouth and the suction you can create with your own lung capacity is a more effective means of grabbing the goop. You may need some help keeping baby’s head still to do the job but the nurse at my pediatrician’s office assures me that as your child begins to associate it with the relief he/she feels after, they become more compliant. Is it weird that I considered trying it on myself during a recent cold?

I’m even more anxious to try their next product, the Baby Comfy Nail: a nail clipper with a plastic plate on bottom rather than a double blade which pushes baby’s skin out of the way to prevent snipping that tender fingertip.

© 2014, 

Kathleen McCormack is the managing editor of and lives in the Rochester, NY area with her two young kids, a debiltating fear of germs, and one very patient husband.
